this last Sunday my brother and pastor, R.J., requested that his daughter sing a song i penned about 5 years ago. the title is "coming to the mercy seat". the lyrics are as follows:
"tired of running in circles getting nowhere fast
if only i'd surrender/You'd give me all the peace i lack
so take me in/take control so i can live
coming to the mercy seat/finding rest at your feet
at the mercy seat/at the mercy seat"
my three favorite art pieces of 2014 |
"humbly i seek You/bowing before Your holiness
longing for Your mercy/to touch me in my brokenness
so take me in/take control so i can live
coming to the mercy seat/finding rest at Your feet
at the mercy seat/at the mercy seat
so take me in take me in/to the mercy seat
take me in/take me in
take me in take me in/to the mercy seat
take me in/take me in"
gina and i were practicing the song and running through the mechanics of how we wanted the song to sound until we got to a bridge that i had added two years ago. she started singing the bridge - we both teared up - stopped practice and began sharing on the goodness of the Savior whom we serve.
"it's my hearts' cry/my one desire
to be with You/complete in You
it's my hearts' cry/my one desire
to be with You/complete in You
so take me in/to the mercy seat"
there is an often quoted scripture in Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
2015 is upon us - 2014 is behind - as we seek Jehovah, He guides us through each day renewing us with hope and securing our future in Him.