Tuesday, June 12, 2012

what's your favorite color?

early art journaling - using cones, crowns and wings on every page -  published 2010                                                             
hearts, wings, my mom - published 2010

i have always loved this photo of my dad on his tricycle

two of my best girl-friends - my mom and my cousin, linda

my mom, my grandma and me
i have a love affair with all shades of purple.  my granddaughter, cassie, and i were having breakfast on the deck this morning and she asked me what my three favorite colors were (barring black and white).  i answered that my favorite colors have changed over the years and continue to change - but at this time they are; purple, red and green.  
it is hard to narrow down your favorite colors when you start to think of the big box of crayons, the colors of nature, and the unique colors of the people of the world.  
fly your imagination - what are your favorite colors?  why do you like them?  what emotions do they evoke?  what memories do they ignite?
                   have a great, color filled day.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite color has always been blue, but recently I added green. These colors make me think of nature...the sky, the trees, grassy fields, the ocean. I however tend to decorate with a mix of reds, yellows, and greens. I almost always wear grey or black. And love my little girls in pink.
