Wednesday, August 8, 2012

what is your reality?

exotic beauty next to a mud pot - black sands basin
mammoth - yellowstone

for all of us who work, (and i only know of a few people who don't,) vacation is not reality.  instead for most of us, hard work and a busy schedule is our reality.

more tetons
i keep wondering when i am going to have time to go through the 1,500+ photos that i took.  yes, i said 1,500+ photos.  Yikes.

vacation doesn't have to break the bank to be enjoyable.  it just needs to be a change of pace - an escape from "everydayness".  (yes, i know that is not a real word.)
mammoth - yellowstone
i have already promised myself that i won't wait for two years to pass before i take our next break from reality and enjoy a vacation.  i will escape once again next year and for a short period of time just enjoy a time away, creation and good friends.  

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