Thursday, August 29, 2013

unnamed dreams

last night during a meeting of lady friends, i had everyone write down five or more dreams, hopes, and wishes that had been planted in their heart for many years.  these were to be dreams that were buried so deep in their heart that they were afraid to even speak them aloud.  

as each lady shared those dreams that she had hidden away in fear; the common thread that emerged was that none of the dreams shared were impossible to reach. they were all part of each woman's individual DNA that had been breathed and planted into their heart by their Creator.  

"heart of dreams"
often times, we hold back in fear from speaking our dreams out loud and thus we never give them a chance to come to fruition and thus fulfill ALL that we were put on earth to do.
detail of "heart of dreams"
today, i challenge myself, as well as my friends, speak your dreams out loud and work hard to see them birthed.  talking is one thing - doing is another.

no one is too old or too young to see their dreams come to fruition.  dreams are planted in your heart by God and they are there for a reason.  

face your fear of rejection, being laughed at, or your fear of failure and explode with the vision God has given you.
today is a new day - speak your dreams out loud and work hard to see them birthed.

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